The blue and brown fabrics are very modern and rich looking. I like the idea of doing a modern nursery seeing as how everything else in my house is modern. In person the fabrics are absolutely gorgeous. Also blue and brown is a very stylish combo right now so finding accessories would be easy. The down side is that it’s not really “baby” looking.

The Sock Monkey idea is really cute and child like. I like the idea of the Sock monkeys as a throw back to vintage nurseries and it would also be fun to do something that is quite child like because I wouldn’t have the opportunity to do that for very long because kids grow up so fast. The down sides are that the fabrics are “just okay” in person and red, brown, and ivory would be a hard color palette to find accessories for. I’m also having a hard time finding a “vintage looking” crib that I like.
If you would leave your comments and tell me what you think I would really appreciate it. Thanks!!
I looove both of them, but I especially love the sock monkeys. I just think it's so creative and vintage and totally cool. =)
Definitely the sock monkey! They're only little for so long and you'll have plenty of time to do the more adult themes and colors later in other places of the house.You'll find that as he grows you'll want to decorate according to what he loves at the time. That's one of the most fun things I've found about having kids is indulging in each of their interest in fun decorative ways. Enjoy the baby days and go with a fun child like theme. Besides, who in the world can say they did their nursery in sock monkeys????!!!!! LOL!
I am still a big fan of the sock monkeys. The other is really beautiful, but you have a very small window of time to do the really fun kid stuff.
I stumbled across your blog while searching for sock monkey fabric actually because that is how I am doing my baby boys nursery:) I have painted the walls a medium brown and have designed and ordered some custom sock monkey wall decals to create a large "art piece" for one wall. I am doing all white furniture since the walls are darker but I am distressing the crib so its not so perfect looking (basically just some sanding is all it needs). I have accessorized with sock monkey stuffed animals, fabric lined baskets, etc. My curtains will be cream with red stripes and I am making my own quilt. Anyway, hope that helps and have fun decorating:)
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