Here are a few of the photos I took of my nieces and nephews at the farm. You can see the whole set HERE. If you have never tried photographing 8 children ages 3 weeks to 11 years old all at the same time let me tell you it's quite a challenge. A few things that I learned are that you need to do it RIGHT after nap time. Build in LOTS of time and breaks because you'll need it (i.e. if the sun sets at 5:30 don't start at 4:30). Have the parents stand behind you and at the same level so that the kids are at least looking all in the same direction. The list goes on but you get the idea.
The individual photos turned out well but the group shots were really hard. In the end though I guess when photographing that many young children you just kind of have to let it be what it is. Get what you can and forget about the rest.
I didn't get Ivye in this batch becuase I had just done a session with just her and it was a little cool outside for a 3 weeks old.
That one with all of them looks pretty good!
Great job, you wouldn't know it was any trouble at all. They all look adorable!
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