
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fun in the Floor

Here are a few pics we took today of us playing with Milo in the floor of his room.

We love each other!

I nuzzled his cheek and he turned and started sucking on my nose!

Cuddle time with Mama

Hi daddy

I just thought this one was sweet

Daddy's gotee is cool

Daddy kisses

Hi Mama


Nikki Bettis said...

I LOVE the look on Milo's face when he's going for Chris' gotee!!!! I think some of those pics are the funniest and best of some we have of our kids. I think it's teh wonder and discovery of something new that's so sweet and funny.

Hey...I got yoru email too but have been over my head here. The good weather made me drag out my whole house ad the playroom and the attic all at one time and now I'm kinda regretting it. It's cold again so I'll work on an email back tomorrow. That's more than Ok about the retreat though. I can completely understand and even debated going to. I love it too much so am still planning on it but I'll let you know how it goes with a baby in tow! Definitely make plans for next year though! It's always the 1st weekend of Feb.

Nikki Bettis said...

WoW! Didn't proof read the 1st comment. Ignore the little typos. LOL!