Milo went to his Nanny's office to trick or treat this morning. He looked so cute waddling around in his penguin costume. The tail bounced as he walked and it made it so much cuter!
Milo and Nanny
He immediately got down and started wandering all over the place.
Saying hi to the girls
Our festive family
"oooh, What is this!?!"
Grabbing for his first ever trick or treat
He didn't want to let it go and I can't say that I blame him
Milo and the very scary Nick. He didn't quite know what to make of him at first but at least he didn't cry and actually let him pick him up.
After one of the ladies gave him a ball he was much more eager to go in all the offices. he doesn't quite understand the concept of candy yet.
Ball in one hand candy in the is good!
Milo and Crystal
He wanted to walk every where we went. Watching him waddle down the hall way was sooooo cute!
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You have a great blog. i found you some how when i was looking for things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia. I iwish you all the best. I love the pictures they are great./ what a cutie
He looks so cute!
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