Month 5 saw a great many changes in Milo. He got his first teeth, he is starting to sit up on his own, starting to eat solid foods and he's getting really interested in the world around him. He is grabbing at anything in front of him and trying to put it into his mouth. He is almost getting his toes in there and I feel sure it's only a matter of time. He is still enamored with Tux and loves watching Bailey and other dogs in his life do just about anything dogs do (maybe he'll be a vet?). He has put on nearly two pounds this month as of the last weight-in a little over a week ago. His legs are looking plumpy and he's starting to get a little Buddha belly. His cheeks are filling out enough to see a little dimple too! The more he grows and changes the more I fall in love with my son. When I look at him I see everything that is right with the world. To me he is the most beautiful, smart, amazing little boy the world has ever seen and I am excessively proud and thrilled to be his mother. I couldn't imagine a better baby for me. He and his father are my whole world and I am loving every minute I am blessed to spend with them.
Abby, You should really consider going into professional photography, these pics are GORGEOUS!! Milo is starting to look like a "big boy" the past month or so... maybe it's the weight gain? maybe it's just the fact that he's 5 months now? I dunno, but he is an absolutely beautiful baby! And your pictures capture his stunning characteristics PERFECTLY!!
I love these pictures. I am going to print one for my desk... is that weird? :-)
You should really consider going into professional photography, these pics are GORGEOUS!! Milo is starting to look like a "big boy" the past month or so... maybe it's the weight gain? maybe it's just the fact that he's 5 months now? I dunno, but he is an absolutely beautiful baby! And your pictures capture his stunning characteristics PERFECTLY!!
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